One of the key scriptures
and prophecies of the Messiah המשיח
is given by HASHEM himself
in Genesis 3:14.
“And HASHEM G-D said to the serpent,
Because you have done this,
you are cursed above all cattle,
and above every beast of the field;
upon your belly you shall go,
and dust you shall eat all the days of your life:
And I will put enmity between
you and the woman,
and between your seed
and her seed.
He shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”
ויאמר יהוה אלהים אל הנחש
כי עשית זאת
ארור אתה מכל הבהמה
ומכל חית השדה
על גחונך תלך
ועפר תאכל כל ימי חייך:
ואיבה אשית
בינך ובין האשה
ובין זרעך
ובין זרעהּ
הוא ישופך ראש
ואתה תשופנו עקב:
This scripture contains a
very peculiar aspect.
הזרע של האשה
But the woman has no seed.
The man has the seed or the sperm.
To reconcile this mystery,
the word ‘seed’ used here
has been interpreted to mean ‘offspring’
and not to the physical seed of a man.
It has been said that the
Hebrew word for seed Zerah זרע
is never used to refer to
the physical seed or sperm of the man,
and refers only to the general term ‘offspring.’
However this assertion
is patently proved false
by the Scripture.
Leviticus 15:16-17.
“And is any man’s seed of copulation
go out from him,
then he shall wash all his flesh in water,
and be unclean until the evening.
And every garment, and every skin,
wheron is the seed of copulation,,
shall be washed with water,
and be unclean until the evening.”
ואיש כי תצא ממנו שכבת זרע
ורחץ במים את כל בשרו
וטמא עד הערב:
וכל בגד וכל עור
אשר יהיה עליו שכבת זרע
וכבס במים
וטמא עד הערב:
If Zerah זרע means physical seed,
then how is the mystery of this prophecy
from HASHEM solved?
Isaiah the Prophet revealed the answer
when he prophesied in Isaiah 7:14:
“Therefore HASHEM himself
shall give you a sign אות;
Behold a woman who
has never known a man,
an almah העלמה,
shall conceive,
and bear a son,
and shall call his name Immanuel
which is ‘G-d with us.'” עמנו אל
לכן אתן אדני הוא
לכם אות
הנה העלמה הרה
וילדת בן
וקראת שמו עמנו אל:
Jeremiah the Prophet also
prophesies along the same lines.
Jeremiah 31:22.
“Because HASHEM has created
a new thing in the earth:
A woman shall compass a man.”
כי ברא יהוה
חדשה בארץ
נקבה תסובב גבר:
HASHEM sent the angel Gabriel גבריאל
to Miriam מרים , who was
direct descendant of the House of David,
and told her she would conceive a son
by the power of HASHEM only,
and without a man.
Gabriel גבריאל was the same angel who
had given to the Prophet Daniel
the time of the appearing of the Messiah המשיח .
“And the angel Gabriel גבריאל
said to Miriam מרים
Fear not, Miriam מרים ,
for you have found favor with HASHEM.
And behold, you shall conceive in your womb
and bring forth a son,
and shall call his name Yeshua ישוע .
He shall be great,
and shall be called
the Son of the Highest;
and HASHEM G-D shall give to him
the throne of his father David:
and he shall reign over
the house of Jacob forever;
and of his kingdom
there shall be no end.
And Miriam said to the angel,
How shall this be,
seeing I know not a man ?
And the angel Gabriel גבריאל answered
and said to her,
The Holy Spirit רוח הקודש
shall come upon you,
and the power of the Most High
shall overshadow you:
therefore also the holy one who shall
be born of you shall be called
The Son of G-d.”
וּאמר המלאך גבריאל
אל תפחדי מרים
כי מצאת חן לפני אלהים
הנה תהרי ותלדי בן
ותקראי שמו ישוע
והוא גדול יהיה
ו בן עליון יקרא
ויהוה אלהים יתן לו
את כסא דוד אביו:
וימלוך על בית יעקב לעולמים
ולמלכותו אין קץ:
ואמרה מרים אל המלאך
איך יהיה הדבר הזה
הרי אינני יודעת איש:
השיב המלאך ואמר
רוח הקודש תבוא עליך
וגבורת עליון תצל עליך
לכן קדוש יקרא הילוד
בן אלהים:
This miracle conception
and birth of the Messiah המשיח
was not the work of a man,
it was the work of HASHEM,
HASHEM, who knows the end from the beginning,
fulfilled his Word himself.
As he said in Isaiah 59:16:
“My right arm brought Salvation to me.”
ותושע לו זרעו
The Messiah המשיח only
was born of the seed of the woman
without the help of a man.
This stands as a unique event by itself.
This is not strange to the house of Israel.
There were examples where
women and their husbands
bore sons of promise.
Though they were miracles,
they were always born
of the seed of a man.
Israel herself was born of
an old and barren woman,
with the help of a man,
but as a miracle through
the direct intervention of HASHEM.
Isaac יצחק the son of promise,
was born to Sarah, a barren woman,
when she was past ninety years of age.
The scripture says in Psalm 113:9:
“HE HASHEM makes the barren woman
to keep house,
and to be a joyful mother of children.
Praise the L-RD! Halleluyah.”
מושיבי עקרת הבית
אם הבנים שמחה
And again in Isaiah 54:1 he says:
“Sing, O barren,
you who did not bear;
break forth into singing,
and cry aloud,
you who did not travail with child.”
רני עקרה
לא יגדה
פצחי רנה
וצהלי לא חלה:
Great leaders and prophets in Israel
were sons by miracle births,
being by the direct intervention of HASHEM.
Samson שמשון was born to
the wife of Manoah אשת מנוח
and she was barren.
Samuel שמואל was born to
Hannah חנה the wife of Elkanah אלקנה
and she was barren.
Yochanan the Prophet the Immerser
יוחנן המטביל was born to
Elizabeth אלישבע the wife of
Zechariah the Kohen זכריה הכוהן
and she was barren and of great age.
The Scripture also suggests that
Elijah the Prophet אליהו הנביא
was born by a miracle birth.
So for the Messiah המשיח to
be born without the seed of a man
was a SIGN אות to Israel.
The Hebrew word for sign אות
contains in itself the signature
of the MESSIAH המשיח.
The Aleph א and the Tav ת ,
which are the first and the last
letters of the Hebrew alphabet,
designate the Messiah המשיח as
being the beginning and the end.
The Vav ו in between the two letters
indicates the deity in the name of HASHEM.
The Messiah Yeshua המשיח ישוע ,
the Son of David הבן דוד
brings salvation to Israel
and to the rest of the world.
This he accomplished by fulfilling
the words of the Prophets of Israel:
dying for their sins
and rising from the dead
on the third day.