It was after the birth of Joseph
that Jacob finally realized who he was
in light of the promise that HASHEM
made to him at Bethel בית אל
(which is near Luz לוז )
after he had left his father’s house.
Up to this time Jacob was doing no labor
for himself. He was working for Laban.
He had a desire to return to the land of Israel.
Genesis 30:25.
“And it came to pass,
when Rachel had born Joseph,
that Jacob said to Laban,
Send me away,
that I may go to my own place,
and to my country.”
ויהי כאשר ילדה רחל את יוסף
ויאמר יעקב אל לבן
ואלכה אל מקומי ולארצי:
When Laban said that Jacob could
work for himself now,
after he had worked for him
for his two daughters,
G-d blessed Jacob
so much that he broke into a multitude.
Genesis 30:43
“And the man increased exceedingly.”
ויפרץ האיש מאד מאד:
The Hebrew word used for ‘increase’
is Perez or Perets פרץ which
means ‘to break forth.’
It is the name of the first son
of Judah, through whom
the Messiah משיח came.
G-d gave Jacob the key to prosperity
in a dream even though Laban
changed his wages ten times.
All this occurred immediately following
the birth of Joseph.
The name Joseph יוסף
in Hebrew means to ‘add’ .
Jacob became increasing aware
of his new identity that HASHEM
through his promise
had bestowed upon him.
He worked for Laban six more years
and in that time period
he became exceedingly wealthy
through the blessing of G-d.
After the sixth year,
in the seventh year,
HASHEM told him to
return to the land of Israel.
All this has amazing parallels
which are enumerated as follows:
1. Israel broke forth פרץ in Egypt in Goshen.
2. The Messiah משיח was born
in Josephs (stepfather’s name) household.
Israel broke forth פרץ into the resurrection.
3. Jacob put three days’ journey
between himself and Laban
while he was laboring for himself.
4. The Messiah Yeshua משיח ישוע
was in the grave three days
before his resurrection.
5. Jacob was laboring in the world;
Laban was his boss.
Israel labored in Egypt.
Pharaoh was his boss.
6. At the time of Yeshua ישוע
during his ministry in Israel,
Israel was laboring for Rome.
Caesar was his boss.
7. During this time under Rome
HASHEM supernaturally intervened,
and broke פרץ into victory through
the resurrection of the Messiah משיח
in order to establish and to confirm
his promise in his covenant to Israel.
8. The Messiah Yeshua משיח ישוע
is the son of Perez פרץ .
9. The period of time of Jacob’s
labor ends in the seventh year
with his return to the land of Israel.
10. The period of time of
the tribulation of Jacob before
the Messiah Yeshua משיח ישוע
returns to Israel
to set up the throne of David
and to rule over the world
is seven years.